What If?

What if instead of waiting to be served we became the servant?

What if instead of giving in to fear we remembered that there is no fear in love?

What if instead of allowing doubt to rule our minds we dared to trust?

What if instead of pointing a finger and blaming we became accountable?

What if instead of using people as a stepping stone we gave a helping hand and lifted them up?

What if instead of using our words to deliberately offend we used them to bring life?

What if instead of using our hand to kill we used them to heal?

What if instead of hiding our hearts we shared the beauty within?

What if we believed God!

What if we believed He is Who He says He is!

What if we believed we are who He says we are!

What if we knew that we are forgiven!

What if we loved our neighbour like Jesus asks of us!

What if we loved us as God loves us!
There are so many ‘what ifs’ in life and unfortunately we spend a lot of the time focused on all the negative what ifs that they begin to blind us to the good what ifs. 

So my challenge to any person reading this (myself included) is that instead of allowing ourselves to get stuck on the negatives and pointing out the negatives > we flip them into positives and see how our world / environment changes and also how we begin to change in the way we see and respond  to things!

By this I don’t mean ignore what we see it feel but rather approach but differently to how we would normally respond or react!
#WordPresBlog #BeTheChange #Inspiration #Jesus #RockOfAges #AdventuresWithGod #Unconditional 

Ready Or Not By RHETORIC Poets Ezekiel And Janette…

Oh my word!

I listened to this beautifully spoken word piece this morning and it blew my mind! I would like to highly recommend everyone listens to it… Just follow the link below…


#JesusRocks #GodWithUs #SpokenWord #PoetryInMotion❤👑🎁